A few days ago was brilliant, got a call from J ten minutes after I woke up, she came over and we had tea and prayer at about 9am, which was just God calling us to go out into the world as His. Suddenly I realise and see just how powerful it is to pray in fellowship at the beginning of the day - before we go out into the world, I want to do that once classes start up again, just have open-flat time in the morning, get people to come round for prayer/breakfast drop in before class in the mornings.
So first of all on Tuesday I went to starbucks to do revision, as I was finishing off a friend from CU walked past, and so he came in, and was telling me about the SU camp he'd just done, and just the way God was working so powerfully in that. We walked to the bus stop and I ran into a guy from TGC which was also really uplifting and powerful, just God speaking through these people, that I saw.
After that I went home and had lunch and then just felt like I wanted to go and pray on Union Street, which was slightly crazy, I stopped and chatted to this homeless guy, and we were having a fairly simple conversation, then he asked me what I did and as soon as I explain what studying divinity meant he told me that he'd been considering going to this place to get help for alcohol and drug addiction, but they were Christian so it put him off. Then all of a sudden started to try to tear into me, but in a manic way, in a way that didn't make sense I just stood there, praying in my heart, and listened, he kept asking me questions and clearly wanted answers then wouldn't let me give them to him because of how manic-ly he was talking. That did scare me a little, but I knew God was in control so that it was fine, I was safe. Eventually I managed to calm it down, and somehow managed to leave him considering whether he should go to that place to get help, I'd stopped to talk to him because I felt as if I should, so I just pray that I've done some good in that situation.
I carried on walking, ran into a friend, had a coffee and a nice chat - a far more relaxed catholic/protestant doctrinal differences debate, saw another friend who I walked part of the way home with and just had to pray for as we were walking which was awesome, it really was a day when I was just called to pray again and again, and through that pray came action.
Then I got a call, from a friend who happened to be in the direction I was walking, and she called at the moment when I could have walked towards where she was or towards my flat, seemed obvious enough, so I decided to go and find her - she didn't ask me to, but I felt prompted, and there was good reason. She was in a bit of a bad way and so we just had a long chat and pray - and she got obviously a lot better, she changed and God really spoke. We walked to hers and I felt as if we had to not leave it there - there was something that was just saying "don't let this go, you have to carry on, you can't leave her tonight, there's something I need you to do", so i completely bullied her into coming over to mine for food and then a worship session. As it turned out, there was stuff she needed to deal with, which she hadn't realised, but was why she was in the state she was in when she called me. In this brilliant way, that only He can do God just came in dealt with it all, it wasn't easy, these things never are, but that clearly needed to happen, and happen then.
We claim things we shouldn't claim, and refuse thing we should keep. We have to remember that even the most faithful person can chose to refuse the truth that God is speaking over them, and take up the lies that the devil uses to drag us away from that awesome relationship we have with God.
So here it is, I want every day to be as God focused as that one! Let my eyes be fixed constantly to heaven, that my feet are guided and my mind is clear.
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